Our Ritual Chocolate cycling kits are available again for pre-order!
Check out the online shop at: https://store.dnacycling.com/collections/ritual-chocolate
This is for pre-order only. In order to get the order going, we have to close the online shop in order to send the full order to the manufacturer in Italy. Once we do this it will take about 6-8 weeks for manufacturing and shipping time.
Don't procrastinate! The DNA store will close on April 9th!
For fitting questions, please use DNA's sizing charts. All kits are unisex. There are optional men's and women's chamois for the bib.
Yes, the jersey and bib are expensive, but that is the cost of design and production. We aren't making a single penny off of this!
If you're in need of new mountain and road biking clothing and you love Ritual Chocolate, now's your chance! See you this summer!